InclUSion Matters supports people with disabilities, especially those who experience isolation, to build new social networks within their local communities. The service is focused on encouraging peer support and enabling user-led networking to help participants become involved in social, leisure and recreational opportunities within their local area.  

We will develop an action plan with you identifying the goals for the service which will be reviewed with you on a regular basis.  Once all your goals are achieved you will exit the service to participate in these activities independently.

What support is provided?

· Get involved in social events
· Meet new people and make new friends
· Experience new activities and develop new interests
· Develop new interests
· Become more active in my community
· Increased confidence

How to become involved:

InclUSion Matters currently operates within the South Eastern HSCT, Belfast HSCT and Western HSCT areas for individuals aged 18 - 64, and in Northern HSCT for individuals aged 18+, who have a disability, Autism and Brain Injury* 
Referrals to the service are made through an agreed referral pathway from local HSCT Social Workers or Community Brain Injury Teams

*The criteria for admission and length of service is dependent upon the contracts we hold in these areas.

For more information please contact:

T: 02825659111

[email protected]

Employability and Community Inclusion offer goal-directed services that support participants to progress from the service when they have achieved their goals.

DisAbility HUB activity booklet [South Eastern Region]

DisAbility HUB activities 2023