"Our call to action is for a greater visibility and acceptance of autism."

To increase acceptance, we need to increase familiarity. The more we can all do to recognise and speak about autistic people, and help them show their individual, true selves – as family members, friends, work colleagues – the more familiar this becomes, and the more natural it feels as part of how we think and act.   

This week has been exceptionally positive in raising awareness and acceptance of autism. 

The experiences of Maddison, Michael, Joshua, Caomhan, and Brendan have highlighted how acceptance has made a difference to their experiences of their Autism and their journey within education, employment, social inclusion and developing social skills. 

The Northern Ireland Autism Strategy and Action Plan 2023 to 2028 recognises the need for policy and practice to support this also Autism Strategy 2023-2028 | Department of Health (health-ni.gov.uk). We support the key actions and commitments listed in the strategy. 

"We will continue to promote greater awareness, acceptance and provide opportunity, choice, and inclusion for autistic people."